Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential service offered by employers to their employees. Our workplace experienced psychologists work with employees to help overcome work-related and personal issues that may affect workplace attitudes, performance, productivity, and personal wellbeing. Our psychologists provide empathic solution-focused counselling and coaching for employees with personal and work-related issues. We can see people after-hours to suit their workplace needs.

We are NTG EAP registered.


Resilience Sessions

Resilience is the capacity to cope with change and challenges, as well as the ability to bounce back following hardship or during difficult times.

Resilience sessions are structured and confidential conversations facilitated by psychologists. They are designed to be strengths-based, proactive and preventative. They focus on identifying, managing and preventing work stressors before these start to negatively impact on one’s work performance and individual and team wellbeing. Resilience sessions are not counselling sessions and do not provide treatment for ongoing mental health issues or critical incident management. The aim is to help people access mental wellbeing support in a proactive and destigmatised manner that is normalised in work teams where there is high stress and high staff turnover or absences.

The resilience sessions aim to validate the employees experience, help teach wellbeing and interpersonal communication skills, are values based in helping commit to important and at times emotionally straining roles and to improve motivation before an employee’s mental wellbeing may come into strain.

Benefits of workplace wellbeing

In the workplace around 1 in 5 employees suffer from a mental health condition and these numbers are greater in high stress roles or where people have less family and friend support nearby like in remote communities or cattle stations. Mental health conditions cost employers a substantial amount in absences, reduced productivity and workers compensation. Some statistics suggest that 6 months following a mental health compensation claim only 54% of people have returned to work and by 2 years, only 38% have returned to work. The good news is that it has been estimated that employers will receive an average return of $2.30 for every $1 spent on creating a mentally healthy workplace.  Creating a culturally safe and mentally healthy and resilient workplace helps workers thrive, feel meaning in their roles and help the communities they work in. It can also help improve productivity, decrease no shows, reduce turnover and decreases workers’ compensation claims.